Shift Aviation Solution’s Role in the Aerospace Sector:
Shift Aviation creates guaranteed first mover advantages for our partner and client companies by exploiting our Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Experience, Skill and Knowledge to the economic benefit of aerospace and other related industries.

Shift Aviation Solutions Support Philosophy:
We are so bullish about our unique concepts that we will guarantee our deliverables in contract, at No Initial Upfront Costs and at Zero Risk to our client companies. Shift Aviation Solutions will receive financial compensation from the savings we generate for our client companies.
Shift Aviation Solutions value based proposition is:
Our business proposal will require No Initial Up Front Investment and our strategies will ensure that this evolution will be at No Long Term Cost and at Zero Risk to your company! Only when Shift Aviation Solutions has proved a reduction in your Cost Structure or an increase in Revenue, then there will be payment required.
Our Guarantee: If there is no Financial Benefit (at Zero Risk), then you don’t have to pay us! Shift Aviation Solution’s remuneration package is entirely based on a percentage of the savings we will generate for you!

Airline Operational and Management Support (AOMS):
Shift Aviation has over decades of commitment to the aerospace industry developed proven Operational, Fuel Conservation and Management Strategies that will reduce operational and fuel costs as well as increase management effectiveness, while simultaneously enhancing Safety Standards. This will be guaranteed in contract!
SMART Slot – Departure and Arrival Manager:
Shift Aviation Solutions has developed a revolutionary new Scheduled Managed Arrival Required Time (SMART) Slot Departure and Arrival Manager (SMART-MAN) that will eliminate aircraft congestion and the required holding delays for departure and arrival at airports. This unique software package will greatly improve airport operational capacity. This software has already been proven to deliver unprecedented Air Traffic Management (ATM) arrival results between two prominent airports in the EU and UK, with a very well known airline as the participating partner. The software development is at BETA (Pre-Operational) stage and is now ready for demonstration. Investors should contact Shift Aviation Solutions if you wish to get involved in this global initiative.

Active Noise Suppression System (ANS2):
Shift Aviation Solutions is in the process of developing an ANS2, which will revolutionize air traffic approach and departure routes to and from airports. This ground-based system will suppress aircraft approach and landing noise, enabling airports with curfews to operate on a 24/7 basis, simulating operational efficiency and increasing revenue flow. We are currently inviting companies and Investors wishing to participate in this exciting project to submit proposals for collaboration and joint ventures.
Environmental Support:
CO2 emissions and noise pollution have a major impact on airline and airport operational costs, as it primarily influences approach and departure routes to and from airports and at times enforces curfews at major airports, which is a major challenge for most airports. Our airport operational strategies will significantly reduce aircraft CO2 emissions and greatly reduce aircraft approach and departure noise footprints.

Future Airport Solutions:
This will revolutionise the Airport Industry, Mobile applications, check-in tags, speed-up security checks.
Future Aircraft Drag Solutions:
This future solution will significantly reduce the drag profile of commercial aircraft, reducing fuel burn up to 4%. The solution will be available to airlines in the medium term future.

SA brings major cost savings
Shift Aviation Solutions (SAS) has through extensive research devised a new and innovative airline management model that will significantly reduce airline management costs. This is an exciting prospect that we here at SA are very keen to see employed. SAS also has a large number of strategies that can be employed on any airline’s existing management model and day-to-day operations that will produce tangible real time cost saving results.
Airline Operational Cost Savings Calculator
SMART Slot Departure and Arrival Manager
Erases costly flight delays and offers superior Return on Investment for investors in this solution.
Full Lineup of Services
Aircraft Noise Suppression

Future Propulsion Technology

Radiation Exposure Research

Air Traffic Flow Control

Future Pilot Training Program

Safety Management Systems

Environmental Support

Organisation Training

Improve Health & Cognition

SERVICES OVERVIEW: Shift Aviation (SA) is a multi-disciplined company that involves all elements associated with mainly the Aerospace Industry as well as synergy with other industries. SA is a ‘best of breed’ company with highly skilled individuals that will take the Aerospace Industry to the next Evolutionary Level. Supporting Global Aerospace Development/Expansion by providing key players access to SA Intellectual Property (IP).